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Being able to see a wide range of scales chords at a glance is a big help, that’s why we created a range of guitar chord chart printable resources for our visitors. The GMI posters are A3 size downloadable posters. You can either just view these posters on your computer, tablet or phone for reference, or even better, print them out for hanging on your wall. Learn how to finger a wide range of scales, arpeggios and chords in one easy place.
NOTE: This is a download only product, frames are shown for display purposes only and are not included with the guitar poster download.
The first poster that we have created shows a range of open string chords. This poster does not show all open string chords. Rather, we thought we would give you a range of the most used. In that way you can build up a range of great looking and easy to memorise guitar chord chart posters over a period of time. We will also be publishing other posters for scales and arpeggios. If you find these chords easy, check back as we add more chord charts.
The second poster that you can download below offers you at a glance, a wide range of open string scales and arpeggios for you to play. We have included open string major and minor scales. We have also listed open string arpeggios for major, minor, dominant seventh, major seventh and minor seventh chords.
Here is the second poster for you to get your hands on.
Finally, make sure you check out our guitar books for sale page. We have a growing range of print and ePublication books for guitarists. Also, on our how to play guitar page, we list all our current courses. Our blog page has a large amount of free material to view as well so make sure you check it out. Use our sign up form to get the latest updates, news and lessons from GMI.
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This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, Google associate as well as associate for other programs, Guitar & Music Institute may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.