Episode 7 – We Need To Talk About Improvisation.

Improvisation for some is an incredibly creative musical release. For others it's a source of utter frustration. In this podcast, Ged Brockie speaks candidly about improvisation and how he has come to understand it in his playing. Ged discusses the definition of improvisation and how you can increase your understanding of this subject and work towards being a better improvising musician.

talk about improvisation 1
talk about improvisation 1

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A Talk About Improvisation & How You Can Develop Your Creativity.

talk about improvisation

Learning to improvise is the Holy Grail for a most musicians. For some, however, it’s a never ending source of frustration. If you work hard on your technique, how can you then transform this into improvisations that you feel are from the heart and not just a bunch of pre-learned lick ideas. In this podcast, GMI founder Ged Brockie discusses improvisation and how you can develop it within your musical life.

Podcast Ep 7 – Table Of Contents

  • 1.12 Definition of improvisation.
  • 2.30 The true reason behind technique.
  • 5.00 How to understand the language of music.
  • 7.15 The secret behind speaking the language of music.
  • 8.20 Becoming fluent in the language of music.
  • 10.27 Is improvisation really “making things up on the spot”?
  • 13.00 The chords, scales and arpeggios to think about when improvising.
  • 14.32 How to become a better improviser and the paradox.
  • 15.30 What Joe Pass said about improvisation.
  • 19.00 Making improvisation more complex than it needs to be.
  • 20.00 An example of un-needed complexity and modes.
  • 22.19 My approach to to learning how to improvise.
  • 23.38 Contextualization in improvisation?
  • 28.13 Summing up and final thoughts.

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