Episode 15 – Interview With Janet Halton Of Nordoff Robbins Scotland

There can be no doubt that music has a huge role to play in helping people recover from, come to terms with and enrich the lives of those effected by illness and challenging health conditions. GMI interviews the Executive Director of Nordoff Robbins Scotland Janet Halton about the crucial work this charity undertakes for the health and well being of people around the world.

Music Health Healing Nordoff Robbins Scotland
Music Health Healing Nordoff Robbins Scotland

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Music, Health & Healing – Changing Peoples Lives

Nordoff Robbins Scotland

Many people around the world are waking up to the fact that music is not just about enjoyment or accompanying a social/entertainment situation. Music is now used as therapy to help people of all ages who suffer from a wide range of illnesses and ailments.

Ged Brockie of GMI had the pleasure of interviewing one of the executive directors of Nordoff Robbins Scotland Janet Halton in the Edinburgh premises which is one of four Scottish centres. Nordoff Robbins as Janet explains in the interview, have centres around the world and carry out a wide range of therapies with music at the heart of everything they do.

Podcast Ep 15 – Table Of Contents

2.03 Janet Halton talks about Nordoff Robbins Edinburgh centre.
4.10 How Nordoff Robbins started out.
6.26 Connecting music with meaningful activity.
9.25 Music therapy for all.
9.05 The design stage.
10.36 Old man in car with dementia knows all the songs (see below for videos).
12.10 Discussing the process of music therapy.
14.42 Janet Halton discusses her journey to music therapy?
17.11 How music therapy works around the world.
21.08 The specific skills of music therapists.
27.01 How someone can become a music therapist.
28.58 The Funding of Nordoff Robbins Scotland.



Here are a range of videos which displays just some of the work and the people from all sides who are involved with Nordoff Robbins. We hope you are encouraged to consider supporting this charity which does vital work for people of all ages around the world.

Inside Nordoff Robbins Scotland’s Edinburgh Premises

Here is a short video showing two of the main therapy rooms within the building and the wide range of instruments used for the therapy sessions.

The Work Of Nordoff Robbins Scotland

Videos created by Nordoff Robbins Scotland demonstrating music therapy practice.

The Man In The Car Story As Mentioned In The Podcast

Here is the video of the gentleman who has dimentia but still knows all the song lyrics (great singer as well)!

From the above video, this led to a recording session – how about that!

Quite a heart warming story and shows how people with dimentia are vitalised by music.

Find out more about what Nordoff Robbins Scotland does and how you can be involved.

In the following link you can find out how you can get involved and help Nordoff Robbins Scotland continue to support those that need help through music therapy.

A Wikipedia article on Nordoff Robbins and it’s history.

Here you can read and learn about music therapy.


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