Episode 44 – Musicians & Live Streaming With Andi Lippi

As the pandemic continues to prevent most musicians from performing is live streaming a possible alternative for you? Live streaming expert Andi Lippi, possibly the most outwardly positive man on the planet right now, explains why and how you can reach a huge new audience


Ged Brockie has undertaken several podcast interviews with musicians who are dealing with the effects of a global pandemic and shutdown. In this episode, Ged talks to live steaming guru Andi Lippi. Andi provides a large range of hints, tips and guides for anyone interested in live streaming. 

As Andi is also interested in music, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to discuss with him the technology, ideas and knowledge needed for musicians to operate effectively within the burgeoning live streaming platforms now spreading their tentacles across the globe.

Episode 43 – Musicians Living in Lockdown with Jean Johnson

This podcast interview is with renown classical clarinetist Jean Johnson. Jean discusses everything from odd auditions to lock down to her new ensemble Metamorphoses.

Jean Johnson Metamorphosis

Jean Johnson is in heavy demand as a performer, teacher and as the leader of her own ensemble named Metamorphoses. The pandemic has put the brakes on a huge amount of work as well as the furthering of this exciting new ensemble which includes a stellar lineup.

Jean discusses her background and movement into the world of music, time teaching at one of the USA’s biggest music faculty whilst a student as well as moving to the far east to play with a world class orchestra to name just a few of the topics covered including starting a fitness class!


Episode 42 – Phil Curran: Breaking Into & Creating A Career As A Composer In Film & TV

Many Are Called….Few Are Chosen! Many Would Love A Career As A Composer In Film & TV But Few Actually Make It. This Podcast Features Composer Phil Curran Who Has Broken Into This Magical Musical World.

Philip Curran Film Composer

Have you ever listened to the music at the movies or when watching a TV show and thought “I’d love to do that”…well so have thousands of other people, however, it’s easy to dream but not so easy to actually realise your dreams.

In this podcast interview, Philip Curran talks candidly with Ged Brockie about the challenges presented in becoming a film and TV composer. Philip talks about his early dreams, how he advanced into the arena and then set himself up as a composer who can actually support himself and family through writing music for screen. 

A wonderfully positive and likable man, Phil continues to grow his musical talent and writing skills and will undoubtedly be one to look out for in the years ahead.

Episode 41 – Musicians Living In Lockdown with Honza Kourimsky

We are just starting to come out of one of the strangest times that any of us will possibly ever face with the Covid 19 pandemic. Ged Brockie of GMI talks with up and coming guitar maestro Honza Kourimsky about being a musician in these lock down days.

Honza Kourimsky guitarist
Honza Kourimsky in action leading one of his many bands

Most people agree that it is a hard life being a musician. Doing something you love for at times not a lot of money. Add on to that the fact that music scenes are witnessing a contraction in places to play live music and a general public’s view in many cases that somehow “music should be free” makes it even tougher; and then we added Covid-19 to the pot!!!

Honza Kourimsky is an exciting and in demand young guitarist who has been active in creating several bands and opportunities for musicians in his currently adopted land of residence Scotland. Ged Brockie talks with Honza about the opportunities he’s created and asks how the lock down has affected his work and the work of those around them in terms of the bands and live performance opportunities.

Scottish Classical Guitar Collection Volume 1 Released By GMI

Jamie Akers Classical Guitarist

Hot on the heels of the first classical guitar publication release by GMI – Guitar & Music Institute “Italian Theorbo Music” a second classical guitar book has also been created by virtuoso guitarist James Akers and is now available to buy.

Italian Theorbo Music For Classical Guitar Released!

Jamie Akers Theorbo
James Akers playing a Theorbo

We are delighted to announce that the first of two new publications from GMI – Guitar & Music Institute has been released. Titled Italian Theorbo Music, this book has been created by virtuoso early music performer James Akers and is now available to buy.

Episode 40 – Creating a Community Guitar group with Chris Dixon

Have you ever considered or even thought about community guitar groups? In this podcast, Chris Dixon explains his journey to creating more than just a one on one teaching practice.

Chris Dixon with a guitar group
Chris in action with a group of local guitar players

Ever felt that one to one tuition, whilst the best way to teach guitar, or indeed any instrument is a bit…well, sort of isolated? Would it not be great to actually take this and make it into something that feels and is a bit bigger with regards the other teachers and artistic people in your community?

Chris Dixon from East Lothian in Scotland has done just that. Chris has taken his one to one guitar teaching practice and developed it into a community group and by reaching out to other players and those involved with the arts has created something that is much more connected.

Chris also talks about his jet setting early years, how he got into guitar in the first place and how he views guitar tuition and the relevance of community action in music!

New Classical Guitar Books Available From GMI – Guitar & Music Institute

Not one but two classical guitar books hit the book shelves as well as being available all over the Internet in multiple reading formats. This article tells you what all the fuss is about!

Virtuoso guitarist James Akers is to release two new classical guitar books published by GMI – Guitar & Music Institute


Here at GMI we have released quite a few books to date. Although we have created books for guitar that are primarily technique based, we always wanted to have the majority of our publications focused on actual music. With this in mind, we are delighted that James (or Jamie) Akers is working with GMI and the fruits of all our collective hard work will soon be realised with the publishing of not one but two classical guitar books from two distinct areas of interest to Jamie.

Episode 39 – Justin Dolezy of Neck Diagrams

Ged Brockie Of GMI Discusses The Incredible Piece Of Guitar Software That No Guitarist Should Be Without Called “Neck Diagrams” With It’s Creator Justin Dolezy.

The three packages available from Neck Diagrams

We’ve all done it. Grabbed and scribbled down a bunch of lines and created our own chord boxes to then remember the latest and best chord, scale or arpeggio. Perhaps it was a bunch of chords for a song. You would think that there would be a plethora of quality software out there that could help you create beautiful images that you could easily share…but you’d be wrong.

Justin Dolezy created the company Neck Diagrams over ten years ago and in that time, his software is the “go too” piece of digital kit that guitarists use to create stunning fret board images.

Hot on the heels of our review of the latest incarnation of the software ND2, Ged Brockie discusses all things music, guitar and delves (lightly) into the world of programming. Justin discusses just what it takes to get a program like this up, running and out there to the guitar public at large.


ND2 Neck Diagrams

The History Of Neck Diagrams

If you are a guitar or stringed instrument player and you’ve never come across Neck Diagrams before, then you really have been missing out. This piece of software has been an important addition to the tools available to guitarists and numerous stringed instrument players now since 2009.