Episode 19 – Interview With Christopher Sutton – CEO of Musical-U

Musical U – Helping To Redress The Balance In Musical Aural Training



One of the great benefits of the Internet in these days of constricting budgets in music education establishments and poor musical provision within schools is the advent of courses online. None more so than the provision offered by online company Musical-U.com.

Musical-U is an established and highly talked about website which offers musicians from all walks of life and musical backgrounds courses in musical aural training. For many musicians, aural training is something that gets forgotten about. This is a real tragedy as being able to hear, identify and externalise the musical ideas heard away from the instrument is the life blood of creativity that all musicians need.

Musical-U CEO Christopher Sutton discusses the ideas and the eventual realisation of Musical-U and how it is changing the way people perceive and ultimately hear and relate to music for thousands across the world.

Episode 18 – Inventor Sheldon Lavineway & Mitch Helten of Breeze

The Next Big Kickstarter Guitar Project – Breeze Tri-Stand For Guitar

breeze tri-stand

Many people have the idea of inventors as almost mad scientists stuck in the basement working away on some crazy new invention that has no worldly use. Nothing could be further from the truth when GMI interviewed Sheldon Lavineway and his business partner Mitch Helten. Their company “Breeze” has created a guitar stand that can collapse into your hand. Could the days of lugging around numerous clumsy but necessary guitar stands be nearly over? This interview includes details how they are taking this incredible new guitar product to the world and their plans for the future.

Episode 17 – A Cautionary Tale For All Musicians

Ever Been Ripped Off As A Musician? If Not Then Listen To This Podcast

A cautionary tale for all musicians


Getting consistent and well paid work can be hard, getting ripped off once you’ve done it is a whole different matter. Find out how you can prevent this happening to you.

Is The Guitar Losing It’s Mojo As Technology Moves On?

Is The Guitar Losing It’s Mojo A Question Worth Asking?

This month we ran an article which built on the Washington post’s recent column on falling guitar sales. The piece looked at the initial Washington post article all about the death of the electric guitar and the response online from various commentators, vloggers etc. With this in mind, we thought we’d look at the new ideas around the guitar and technology. What we found are ideas that are melding Guitar Hero concepts to mainstream guitar playing and we ask Is The Guitar Losing It’s Mojo?

GMI Creates New Online Guitar Shop

New GMI Online Guitar Shop Opens!

GMI online guitar shop

We Are very happy to announce that we have created an online guitar shop which offers guitar accessories, gifts, learning aids and much more.

There are many free items where you only pay for shipping so have a look. We will be adding much more in the way of guitar products over the coming weeks and months. For now, if you can get the news out there by spreading this on social media we’d be so grateful

Episode 16 – Musician’s Moving Online 1 – Interview With David Wallimann

Musician’s Moving Online 1 – Youtube Guitar Guru David Wallimann

Musicians moving online David Wallimann

This is the first in a series of podcasts (which are not offered in sequential order across the series) which deals with the subject of how to create a successful offering online as a musician and actually make a living doing so. The first interview is with guitarist David Wallimann. David has built up a Youtube channel that has at this point in writing amassed an impressive 78k subscribers! David gives the low down on how he has achieved this and the pitfalls to watch out for. As well as this he gives facts and figures on income from Youtube advertising and how he supports this income in other ways.

Review Of FretDeck The Learning Guitar Card System

FretDeck – Learning Guitar Through A Card Deck

Justin Comstock recently gave an interview on the GMI podcast about his community funded product FretDeck. The FretDeck website states, “Master The Guitar – The FretDeck helps guitarists learn and master the guitar in every single key”. In this review, we look at FretDeck and see what it has to offer guitarists.


Episode 15 – Interview With Janet Halton Of Nordoff Robbins Scotland

Music, Health & Healing – Changing Peoples Lives

Nordoff Robbins Scotland

Many people around the world are waking up to the fact that music is not just about enjoyment or accompanying a social/entertainment situation. Music is now used as therapy to help people of all ages who suffer from a wide range of illnesses and ailments.

Ged Brockie of GMI had the pleasure of interviewing one of the executive directors of Nordoff Robbins Scotland Janet Halton in the Edinburgh premises which is one of four Scottish centres. Nordoff Robbins as Janet explains in the interview, have centres around the world and carry out a wide range of therapies with music at the heart of everything they do.

Episode 14 – Interview With FretDeck Inventor Justin Comstock

Struggling To Remember Your Chords, Scales & Theory? FretDeck Could Be The Answer

Justin Comstock


Let’s face it, learning the guitar can be hard and that is where FretDeck comes in. It is a very simple concept, but like most of the best ideas; they are simple. In this podcast we talk to Justin Comstock about how came up with the idea of FretDeck. Further to this, we discuss his career as a player and how he managed to get through the maze of Kickstarter to see his dream idea become a reality.

Episode 13 – Interview With Edinburgh Guitar Guitar Manager Chris Cunningham.

So You Want To Work In A Guitar Store?

So You Want To Work In A Guitar Store

Chris Cunningham (second from the right above) is the manager of Guitar Guitar Edinburgh. Opened thirteen years ago, Chris discusses the role of manager, the skills you need to work in stores like Guitar Guitar and his life around guitars (thousands of them!).