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Chord Melody Guitar Course For Jazz Guitar Completely Free!
Have you ever wanted to take your jazz guitar playing to the next level? Do you wish you had a growing repertoire and a bank of great melodic and harmonic ideas to learn from? Do you wish you had a growing number of jazz guitar solos that you can actually listen to and practice with? Would you like to hear from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, the musical decisions that a professional player makes when creating a chord melody solo or an actual improvisation? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you’ll be interested in the solo guitar course that is here on GMI – Guitar & Music Institute.
Getting Started With Chord Melody
One of the big problems in creating your own solo jazz guitar arrangements is knowing where to start and that is where this course of lessons really will help you. It will feature jazz guitar standards both popular and not so well known. In each case, an arrangement will be created, fully notated in music and TAB with all chords beautifully presented in easy to view and understand full color chord boxes.
Although this is being promoted as a course, each lesson will be a standalone unit. That is, each lesson comes with a PDF which will be well over thirty pages in length. This PDF will include all the usual help and advise as well as a fully notated note for note transcription of the video performance of the respective piece. In addition to this, there will also be audio recordings added for you to hear exactly the thinking behind the reasons that specific chords, notes, ideas and scales were used.
A Picture Tells A Thousand Words
The image at the top of this article is an example from the chord melody pieces which is the little played jazz standard “It’s You Or No One”. The video has lead GMI – Guitar & Music Institute tutor Ged Brockie performing his arrangement of the song along with a guitar solo. This is faithfully reproduced within the thirty eight page PDF manual that accompanies the video. There is over thirty five minutes of audio which adds to the package. This audio can be listened to via QR code readers or by simply clicking a URL link.
Here is another image example from the PDF which shows the music staff and TAB notation towards the end of the piece.
Here you can see that not only are the superimposed chords that were actually played shown, but also the underlying harmony. This is an important consideration when trying to understand how to use ideas and concepts, either melodic or harmonic. Also, the TAB faithfully reproduces what is played in the music for those that cannot read music.
Guitar Chord Boxes Aplenty!
All the chords played in any of the songs presented in this series are faithfully reproduced in the PDF that accompanies the video. The chords are a maximum of twelve to an A4 sheet and are displayed in full color.
The chords on their own would be of use in terms of learning chords, however, when applied to the actual music/TAB, this is where they really help you make fast progress. Chord melody playing is not just about a bunch of chords being joined up but the creation of moving lines. These lines can be in the bass, within the harmonic background or in the upper lines. Seeing how the chord shapes are utilized in such a way to create a powerful musical canvas is what really makes the difference.
Audio Lessons Within Each Song Pack
The arranger and performer of each of these solo jazz guitar arrangements Ged Brockie also discusses the ideas and thoughts behind the harmonic and melodic decisions. You will get a closer understanding of how to apply the ideas and concepts behind the arrangement by listening to these audio discussions. The audio is presented in easy to use QR codes for those with mobile (cell) phones and tablets. If you wish to listen from a URL then that is handily added as well.
All PDF Chord Melody Lesson Packs Available From Our Guitar Store
So, the videos for show, but to download any of our individual chord melody lesson packs then make sure to visit our online store. We have a growing range of great products available to purchase as well as a lot of completely free items, like this one as well. It’s always worth a visit.
Please remember to check out all our latest articles, podcasts and articles such as how to practice guitar for example which can be found across the site and from a search on our homepage.
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