Episode 10 – (Part 2 of 4) Interview With Hollywood Film Composer Hummie Mann

This is the second part of the Hummie Mann Podcast interviews and deals with Hummie's time at Berklee College. He discusses many of the world famous musicians he met there and how he managed to find work after leaving college.


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Hummie Mann At Berklee College & Finding Work …

hummie mann composer

After discovering he had a talent for music, Hummie tells how he eventually found his way to Berklee College of music. Berklee was an exciting time and prepared Hummie for his eventual movement into finding work as a musician.

Podcast Ep 10 – Table Of Contents

  • 1.25 Meeting a huge number of world renown musicians.
  • 2.25 Bumping into Pat Metheny!
  • 4.34 Leaving Berklee and finding work.
  • 5.57 Teaching at his first school and big band work.
  • 7.00 How Hummie Passed the Bud Matton audition.
  • 10.50 Falling on his feet and living it up in Florida.
  • 13.35 Performing the rock opera “Tommy”.
  • 15.10 Playing country music and working in the far north of Canada.
  • 19.00 Joining a Canadian comedy team.
  • 23.17 Playing the Calgary stampede.
  • 25.43 LA – first contact.
  • 26.29 First commercial most played on Saturday Night live.
  • 27.35 Leaving the comedy team and moving to LA.

In the next episode, Hummie discusses finding work and becoming established in the Hollywood music scene.

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