Episode 19 – Interview With Christopher Sutton – CEO of Musical-U

Ear or musical aural training is the most important part of learning to become a musician. It's the lifeblood of the art form, yet many musicians have had little or no real ear training whatsover. In this podcast, Ged Brockie from GMI interviews Christopher Sutton about his company Musical-U. Musical-U is helping musicians around the world understand how vital ear training is and has a membership website dedicated to just that.


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Musical U – Helping To Redress The Balance In Musical Aural Training



One of the great benefits of the Internet in these days of constricting budgets in music education establishments and poor musical provision within schools is the advent of courses online. None more so than the provision offered by online company Musical-U.com.

Musical-U is an established and highly talked about website which offers musicians from all walks of life and musical backgrounds courses in musical aural training. For many musicians, aural training is something that gets forgotten about. This is a real tragedy as being able to hear, identify and externalise the musical ideas heard away from the instrument is the life blood of creativity that all musicians need.

Musical-U CEO Christopher Sutton discusses the ideas and the eventual realisation of Musical-U and how it is changing the way people perceive and ultimately hear and relate to music for thousands across the world.

Podcast Ep 19 – Table Of Contents

1.52 Introduction from Christopher.
2.24 Is there a link between music and mathematics?
3.43 Christopher’s career and musical background.
5.15 Spotting a need for an aural training programme.
9.26 The skill of “audiation”.
14.15 Over four million people have visited the Musical-U.
19.54 Different horses for different courses…to some extent!
25.26 How long Musical-U courses last.
28.32 Dealing with the cherry picking effect of the Internet.
30.17 The people who sign up to Musical-U
31.51 Age not specific but some surprising results from the data gathered.
36.51 Moving away from apps to a membership website.
38.55 Working on the new Musical-U podcast series.


Resources & Links Mentioned In The Podcast

Here is a sample of the many Youtube videos available on the Musical-U Youtube channel.

For the singers amongst you, another excellent video example.

here is a video on how to memorise song lyrics better…

our final short look at Musical-U’s video channel is all about the benefits of children learning music.

Click the link to go straight to the Musical-U aural training website.

If you are a Twitter user, here is Musical-U’s Twitter channel.


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