Episode 35 – Interview with Nate Savage of Guitareo

There are so many ways to learn guitar online these days, so what makes a company stand out, what makes the difference? All is revealed in the latest podcast from GMI with Ged Brockie.


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It’s a fast changing world out there and the effects of the digital revolution are all around. In the world of guitar there are many new success stories, one of which is Guitareo led by guitarist Nate Savage.

Nate Savage from Guitareo

There is a lot of choice out there when it comes to learning to play guitar, however, some website and offerings stand out from the crowd and Guitareo is definitely one online guitar resource worth looking at. More than just a bunch of videos, it crucially, offers a community learning experience far beyond the usual guitar Youtube experience.

Guitareo is part of a larger organisation that also offers tuition in drums and the piano to name just two other elements. Find out what this excellent resource is all about and the person who heads up the guitar tuition side of things in this podcast.


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Podcast Ep 35 – Table Of Contents

2.58 Nate discusses the beginning of Guitareo.
5.02 Guitareo’s structure and tweaking for the guitar market.
5.18 Addressing the five main areas within the latest 26 week guitar course.
7.12 The core group that Guitareo addresses.
7.30 Nate discusses the various other courses available.
8.25 Discussing Guitareo’s Youtube channel.
10.16 Getting the video’s out to the people that will really use them.
12.04 Interaction with the student’s is what helps Guitareo stand out.
13.30 Nate’s own musical progression.
16.56 How content is created for the company.
18.38 What you get for a paid guitar tuition course.
21.16 Is the guitar tuition online market saturated?

Video Material

Nate in action

Here is another fine example of Guitareo video tuition material.

There are so many videos that we could show, however, we hope that you get the idea as we could embed hundreds of videos from Guitareo. Best this is to click the link below and visit the Guitareo website or Youtube channel and sample for yourself.

Links To Guitareo

Interested in knowing more about Guitareo? Please follow the links below.

Check out the rather funky Guitareo website!

With nearly half a million subscribers, don’t miss out on the Guitareo Youtube channel.

Here is the Guitareo Instagram account.

And if you are a FB user, here is the Guitareo Facebook page.

Thanks for listening to our latest podcast, we have another lined up and it will be appearing soon. If you enjoyed this podcast, then please check out all our other GMI – Guitar and Music Institute podcasts.

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