How To Become A Guitar Teacher

If you are considering how to become a guitar teacher then this short guide, based upon guitarist Ged Brockie's thirty plus years as a guitar tutor at all levels is a must read. Ged has taught in private schools, college and university. He has devised guitar courses for the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) as well as creating summer schools and online teaching resources. Learn how you can build up a successful business teaching and enriching student's lives both young and old through music and the guitar.


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Teaching Complete Beginners Guitar

One of the big mistakes I have seen many teachers make when starting to teach new guitar students is giving too much material too quickly. You don’t want to overwhelm a new Beginners Guitar lessonsstudent. You need to give them small amounts of material that they can build on. Having a lesson plan either written down or in your head really will help with this. If the guitar player is very young, then this advice is even more important. Children will probably not have the confidence to tell you that you are going to fast. They don’t take everything in or struggle to keep up and they lose heart. A first guitar lesson with a child for example would probably consist of the following.

  • Getting to know them and putting them at ease.
  • Describing the parts of the guitar, the string names and holding the instrument.
  • How to tune the guitar would be covered but at a basic level.
  • At the end of the lesson I would show them a couple of chords
  • I would take these chords and show them how to change between them.

The Importance Of One To One Tuition

This last point above is important because nothing beats one to one tuition. You need to have at your disposal methods and ideas that either cannot be found online or information that is very relevant to the individual pupil you are teaching. You need to be able to build upon the basics that are found in thousands of video lessons, but personalise them for the student before you. If you can’t do this, why should the pupil come for guitar lessons?

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